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Here you can read the latest news for what is going on in the micronational world.

President Broken is sick

On 11/23/2020 President Broken started showing symtpoms of Covid-19 and it has continued throughout the past couple days. Currently he is expirencing fever, throat pain, and headaches. We do not know whether the president has Covid-19, for now we will just have to hope that him and his fammily get better. Make sure to always wear a mask and social distance when around other people, stay safe.

New voting system

The Static Republic is now using a voting system called ocastio. The system will also be a database for our laws and constitution. The website is still WIP but seems very prommising. If you are a citizen and you do not sign up through ocastio and message President Broken you will not be able to vote anymore. The nation also plans to have different branches that will manage different things. The first one that will open is the judicial branch. In the meantime you can visit our ocastio page by clicking here.

The Vote for the flag

A vote to for two flags has come to an end. A citizen Chris made a flag which won by two points. It has a golden lion on it which stands for the power of the people. The competing flag was designed by President Broken and had different colors and symbols to reperesent the terrain located near the nation. The voting system was different then what has been used in the past, the voter would give both flags a 1, 2, or 3. The flag with the highest rating won. The vote was also open to anybody online who found out about it, most of the votes came from r/micronations.
